What makes up the Studio School of Durham community?

The Studio School of Durham is a place where children can grow, explore, and find their best selves. But there is a power and purpose to our greater school community as well. 

Parents, families, teachers, and students all make up this meaningful group. We bring our unique strengths and outlooks together, benefiting from each other and growing towards one common goal: creating a world-class, transformative education for our children. 

We’re lucky to say “these are our people” and this is our Studio School family.

What makes our school special

  • A small and safe learning environment, where students are encouraged to find their passions and their voice. 

  • Content that’s hands-on and connected to the real world, not just to concepts in a book.

  • A chance for students to collaborate and engage with children in different grades and places in their development. 


  • A family environment, where every child is seen and appreciated as an individual.

Since we launched:

269,100 minutes spent reading books simply for joy, pleasure, and exploration during DEAR time

2,310 pieces of pizza consumed on Pizza Friday

790 socratic questions considered and discussed by our young learners

2 astoundingly fun Adults only tinker night events

1 hawk routinely seen in our awesome woods (zero squirrels seen eaten)

The Studio School of Durham by the Numbers

Number of students: 35

Projects achieved every semester: 3

Hours spent in recess every week: 5

Number of teachers: 4

Number of siblings that attend SSD: 12

Class ratio: 16:2 & 20:2

One Parent’s Story

I wanted a place that challenged them.

A place where adults spoke to them with respect that in turn demanded respect back.

A place that valued movement and playful freedom.

A place that allowed them to focus on their natural strengths.

A place that kept them accountable to being a part of a community by expecting them to clean up after themselves, help create the disciplinary policies, and treat their peers with kindness and compassion.

A place that focused on a mastery of subjects, instead of keeping them at the same level as others their age.

A place that let them explore the outdoors.

A place that offers project-based learning where the students dig into subjects over the span of weeks rather than days.

A place where teachers are outstanding and valued….

I bet you can guess where I found all these things and more. 


“When I pick my son up from school he is bursting with energy, proclaiming “I LOVE SCHOOL!” He loves the different projects he gets to be a part of, has made some great friends, and comes home talking about and putting into practice things he has learned (right now it’s a lot more reading and writing on his own than he used to do). I have also been so impressed by the teachers - they are so full of positive energy, my son can’t leave before giving them each a big hug. I’m so grateful that we found this place and hoping that my other children can someday be a part of it!”

Lower Elementary School Parent

Interested in joining our community? Visit our campus to learn more about our child-centered approach to education and how it can impact the life of your young learner.