Frequently Asked Questions

What are your school hours?

8:20 am to 3:00 pm. We open our doors at 8:20, with school starting at 8:30. Our school day ends at 3:00.

Do you offer an after school program?

We offer care after school enrichment programs from 3:00 pm to 5:30 most days of the week.

How much is tuition?

Tuition is $13,500 for the school year. You can pay tuition in full before the beginning of the school year at a discount, or you can pay in 10 equal installments by direct draft, August through May of the school year.

Families pay a one time enrollment fee of $700.

Do you offer sibling discounts?

Yes, our sibling discount is 10%.

Do you offer financial aid?

We offer limited financial aid. You can request a financial aid application from our admissions staff.

When are applications due for the upcoming school year?

We offer rolling admissions until we meet capacity.

Do you offer a summer camp program?

Yes, we do! Our program offers small group sizes and low teacher to camper ratios. Learn more here.

What is Mastery Learning?

In the traditional educational model, a certain amount of class time is devoted to a particular topic or concept; teaching occurs as though all students are starting from the same point, all homework and assignments are equal, and when the set amount time is over, the entire class moves on, despite widely varying degrees of mastery over the material. In contrast, with mastery learning, students proceed at varying rates toward the same level of mastery. The curriculum is not structured in terms of time, but in terms of target levels of comprehension and achievement. The Studio School uses a mastery learning approach to core subjects such as math, reading, and writing. 

How will my child stay on task in a self-directed environment?

A student’s ability to set and track goals in order to evaluate progress is essential to success in a student- driven, individualized learning program. Students need a lot of practice setting specific, measurable goals that are challenging but realistic. At The Studio School, students set weekly and daily goals, track progress, and establish a rhythm of meeting with peers to hold each other accountable. In addition, students will develop an agreement with the guides to set boundaries for acceptable behavior and rules for engagement in the classroom. Acton firmly believes that learning to set goals and challenging yourself are critical skill for the real world. 

Does the studio school serve special needs children or children with learning or behavioral difficulties? 

We are not trained or staffed to serve children with serious learning disabilities, special needs, or who need specialized attention for either academic or behavioral challenges, but in some cases may be able to serve children with dyslexia. We treat each and every situation individually, so if you are interested in our school and believe it is a great fit for your family, please inquire and we will personally assess your situation and the fit of your young learner. 

Is the studio school a religious institution?

While we expose children to the importance of mindfulness, ethical principles, and the significance of religion in history and the development of society, we are not a religious school.